samedi 6 octobre 2007

Mon existence

Vous vous demandez sûrement pourquoi j'ai été absente si longtemps? Non? Je vais vous le dire quand même. Suite à mon dernier billet j'ai reçu une lettre d'un millionnaire de la Lousiane. Veuf, père de deux charmants enfants il m'a demandé si je voulais partager sa vie afin de m'occuper de son intérieur et de ses enfants pendant qu'il continuerait de s'enrichir en paix afin que nous puissions vivre une idyllique existence familiale. Je me suis donc mariée et j'épouse-ette maintenant notre mansion pendant que mon époux gagne ma vie.
Non, c'est même pas vrai. Héhéhé...j'vous ai eu hein!

Enfin, la photo c'est bien moi, jadis *clin d'oeil* mais l'époux n'était ni millionnaire ni américain.

Alors pourquoi n'écris-je plus?
J'ai juste pas le temps.
En ce moment je déborde d'admiration pour Stéphane Laporte. Écrire des blogs aussi intéressants que les siens jour après jour tient pour moi de l'exploit littéraire.
Le retour au travail est un tel changement de rythme pour moi que je n'y arrive plus.
Partie à 7 heures le matin il n'est pas rare que je sois de retour vers 18 heures le soir. Mes ados ont eu largement le temps de transformer l'antre en parcours d'obstacles pour professionnels et ils m'attendent de pied ferme dans la porte pour me renvoyer derechef à l'épicerie que je n'ai plus le temps de faire qu'à travers deux corrections et trois lavages.
Je sais ce que vous allez m'é bons conseils sur le lâcher prise et le penser à soi, ça ne marche pas avec moi.
Mais ce week-end je fais un blitz de ménage afin de respirer et d'harmoniser mon être en manque d'ordre avec son intérieur cacophonique.
Je corrigerai mes 26 dictées et productions écrites et je tenterai de cuisiner.
Mon corps me jouant des tours s'effondrera sûrement, épuisé, sur un fauteuil tout près de là, le temps de combattre la fatigue qui a élue domicile dans mon ying mais, grâce à mon yang, il repartira à droite et à gauche, tentant d'endiguer le flot de poussière que le dépot gracieux de mon postérieur sur le fauteuil aura provoqué.
Vous ai-je dit que j'étais fatiguée? Voilà, c'est ça. Je me plains et replains, je suis redondante à souhait et les écueils où j'aborde quotidiennement n'ont rien de drôle et ne sont certainement pas matière à écrire de gentils billets spirituels et cocasses.
C'est pour ça que je n'écris pas, ma vie est ennuyeuse et redondante mais cela va cesser bientôt, personne n'est éternel.
Non, sans blague, c'est comme ça pour plein de profs. Ceux qui comme moi sont sans aide-conjoint en arrachent peut-être un peu plus mais la plainte est généralisée. Manque de temps évident pour tout bien faire.
Et voilà la première communication aux parents qui se pointe le nez dans l'horaire de la semaine prochaine. Je dois leur apprendre si leur enfant progresse de façon très satisfaisante, satisfaisante, s'il présente quelques difficultés ou s'il a de grosses difficultés en écriture, lecture et mathématiques.................. JE L'SAIS TU MOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J'en suis encore à les changer de places, à leur faire remplir leur duotang à l'endroit, à leur montrer comment s'écrit la date dans un cahier et à faire leur code de correction avec eux....
Bien sûr j'ai une petite idée pour certains d'entre eux, mais de là à tracer une ligne entre très satisfaisant et satisfaisant...De toute façon à part quelques uns où le portrait est très clair, très très satisfaisant, les autres devront se contenter de satisfaisant et quelques difficultés.
J'ai des sueurs froides à la pensée qu'avant la nouvelle prise de position de la ministre nous étions confrontés à une production massive de bulletins automnaux au lieu d'une communication....J'en aurais fait des cauchemars. Évaluer quand je n'ai rien pour évaluer ou à peu près me semble aussi honnête que voler un boeuf.
Enfin....ce sera moins officiel qu'un bulletin donc, moins informel. Heureusement.
Je songerai sans doute à ça pendant tout le congé à travers mes autres tâches en ramassant un ou vingt kleenex à coté de la poubelle, mon autre cerveau se demandant comment des ados aussi habiles au basket peuvent régulièrement manquer leur coup quand il s'agit de laisser tomber un kleenex à la poubelle à 2 pieds de distance.
Je vais quand même transformer certaines devoirs ménagers en partie de plaisir comme aller au marché Atwater au lieu d'aller à l'épicerie. Ça c'est mon bonbon à moi. L'amour du marché est inconditionnel chez moi. Et je ne fais même pas de conserves ! Mais j'adore cette ambiance et ces odeurs, les bruits et les couleurs.
Ça me permet d'être consommatrice en toute bonne la nourriture c'est pas superficiel ça!
Je dois acheter beaucoup de fruits car j'ai décidé de faire une salade de fruits en classe avec mes élèves. On fera une petite leçon sur le lavage des mains, sur la pulpe et les noyaux, les pesticides et les cultures, le métier d'agriculteur et l'alimentation. Tout ça en épluchant bien sûr.
Et je pourrai même en rapporter à mes oisillons affamés mardi soir!
Ce sera toujours ça de pris.

53 commentaires:

Le Voyou du Bayou a dit…

Bravo pour ce retour en force avec un texte qui traite d'une multitude de sujets. Tu es une championne des fils conducteurs entremêlés Bibco. NOUS T'AIMONS.

bibconfidences a dit…

Oh boy, c'est grave.

Le professeur masqué a dit…

Courage! Il ne reste plus que... neuf mois.


Anonyme a dit…

Qui vous demande d'écrire de gentils billets spirituels et cocasses? D'abord, les vôtres le sont tous. Ensuite, comme on ne souhaite pas être privé de vos écrits, nous préférons vous savoir libre et heureuse d'écrire. Faites-le donc quand ça vous va, nous serons là pour vous lire de toute manière.

Il ne faut pas non plus mourir à la tâche. Nos conseils seront vains que vous dites, tout de même, sachez qu'anticiper une surcharge de travail ou de stress c'est vivre en deux fois ce qu'on ne vivra peut-être jamais.

Cela dit, pour améliorer vos jeunes au tir du papier mouchoir, mettez-les en compétition. Octroyez à chacun des kleenex d'une couleur particulière, celui qui en rate le plus ramasse le tout! Vous pourriez même offrir la Coupe Bibco au gagnant en fin de saison!

Accent Grave

bibconfidences a dit…

Des kleenex de couleurs différentes...mais c'est génial ça! Un détail cependant, ça existe?

Mme Prof a dit…

Ouiiiii!!! Il y en a des roses et des blancs! :D

Pour le reste, je continuerai la plainte avec un soupir exaspéré... Présentement, le seul avantage de vivre séparé de mon chum le temps de le rejoindre, c'est que ça salit la maison deux fois moins vite et je peux plus souffler... Mais je compatis avec toi de tout mon manque d'énergie ! :D

Malou a dit…

Je sympatise concernant les élèves et j'acquiesse concernant le marché! Bonne semaine de 4 jours! Belle découverte que ce blog...

Anonyme a dit…

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bibconfidences a dit…


Zoreilles a dit…

Ah que j'étais contente de te lire, comme ça fait du bien! Et tu l'écris de si jolie façon. Tu me chatouilles le coeur. Ma vie et mes obligations sont différentes des tiennes mais le rythme est tout à fait le même... ces jours-ci. J'aurais pas dû prendre 5 jours de vacances mais ça m'a rechargé les batteries et finalement, je ne regrette rien. Toi?

J'allais t'écrire quelque chose, à chaud, comme ça, puis j'ai cliqué pour lire les commentaires. Je ne serai pas originale, tu prends celui d'Accent Grave, t'en fais un copier-coller et je le signe.

Pour sauver du temps et de l'énergie, on a le droit, hein, de s'inspirer du génie des autres?

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Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.
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You can download a free trial version of Xilisoft AVI MPEG Converter(, ). If you wish to buy it click here . So, grab the trial, install and let's start the step-by-step guide!
How to convert avi to mpeg, divx to mpeg with Xilisoft AVI MPEG Converter(, )
Xilisoft AVI MPEG Converter(, ) is a powerful, easy to use MPEG encoder software which helps you convert avi to mpeg, mpeg to avi, divx to mpeg, etc. It supports video formats including AVI, MEPG1, MPEG2,and MPEG4.
1. Use "ADD" button on the main window or "ADD" in the "File" menu to select your original file first, and then open the folder where your original files are located.
2. Select a file or several files. The file(s) you highlighted will be loaded after you click "Open". Here, you can view relevant info of those files. The software detects the "Duration" and "Type" of the loaded files automatically, and also some advanced info, such as the video and audio codec, which are shown in the certain location after you highlight it.
3. Use "Remove" button to remove the loaded file which you highlight. Those buttons can also be found in the "File" menu.
4. You can confirm if you have loaded the right file by previewing them. Please highlight the file that you want to preview, press "Play" button to preview it. Xilisoft AVI MPEG Converter(, ) supports playback function.
5. Select target file format that you want to output. Highlight your loaded file first and then select output format from "Profile" combo-box. You can select multi files and set output format simultaneously.
6. There are default settings which can be found in the right panel of the main window. It can be adjusted or changed manually according your needs. If you don't know what the setting means, leave it as the default one.
7. To set the folder that you want to save your target file, you may select the Output folder by clicking "Browse..." button or directly enter a path in the "Destination" box. "C:temp" is setted as the default destination folder.
8. Open "Preferences..." in the "Settings" menu to set how many files you can convert simultaneously before you start the conversion process. After the setting is done, click "Encode" button to start the conversion. During the process of conversion, you can "Pause" and "Stop" it at anytime if you click certain buttons.
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Ideas on How to fulfill Girls with the Local mall

If you can be a single guy and aren't the most important at finding a whole lot less meeting ladies and are wondering where exactly you can head to unearth and fulfill a young girl, then these ten acceptable recommendations on how to fulfill a toddler on the shopping mall, should really appear in mighty handy.

1 - Go towards the foodstuff court. Think it or not, the foods court is a absolute ideal place within the mall to fulfill a toddler. Here's what you do. Pick a foods area and get in line for your meal. Despite the fact that you can be in line, glimpse close to the area where exactly everybody is sitting down and eating. Start looking to get a young girl sitting down alone, and even two women sitting together. When you could have your meal in hand, walk above to just where she or they may be sitting down and check with if you're able to join them. If you're sincere and straightforward with them, your chances are pretty great.

2- Do some contemplating. Earlier than you even think of planning to your mall to satisfy a lady, sit on your own down and do some serious contemplating. Check out how you may match a girlfriend and what you can say to her if that you're prosperous. Think of which components for this shopping mall you'll check out. Also, you are gonna will need to acquire something even while there, what do you may need? Lastly, think what meeting a chick inside a public site entails. Surely you will have to start looking for the wedding ring earlier than speaking to a girlfriend, and you'll would need to regard if it is wiser to speak with a young girl alone or one particular who is with other people. In conclusion, you'll have being realistic about your personal age as well as ages within the girlfriend you need to meet. As in, you are going to really have to tell oneself to get reasonable and do not you could try to meet women which can be considerably younger or older than you should be, or that check out of your respective league.

three - Request facilitate. The moment you may be lastly along at the local mall, one particular among the techniques to meet ladies is by asking them for benefit. Women be aware that men have no approach what they may be carrying out once they are buying, so asking for help out will not seem such a ridiculous notion. Request guide in picking out a jacket for your own self one example is. Accomplishing so let's the woman know that you just are single. If she agrees to aid you, request her other questions as you grab totally different jackets to you could try on.

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I've had my iPad towards close to 2 months at this very moment and I'm letting the cat out of the bag you, Steve jobs certainly has his technique of converting people to be a Mac/Apple fan. I own the iPad without 3G because I didn't scarcity to arrange to exact one's pound of flesh from as a service to a advanced silhouette in rank to grow the micro SIM card. So I've kinda lawful lived with my iPad purely where there's wifi connection. Which are aplenty anyway at Starbucks, Mcdonalds, and the libraries. This was previous to my new zealand mate introduced me to a eminent nature circa this stew -- a 3G wifi router AP that supports GPRS, GSM, WCDMA, HSUPA, HSDPA, UMT and LIMIT!

I purchased the [url=]Huawei E5830 3G WiFi Router AP (WCDMA/HSUPA/HSDPA/UMT/EDGE/GPRS/GSM)[/url] from, in the Networking department, under the control of my alter ego's commendation, and I suppose he gets points or commission from my pay for, since he's a affiliate. The router AP is decidedly portable, lightweight and convenient. So conditions I can weld to wifi anywhere with mp iPad! I no longer call to go in quest of on a trip and not up to par seeking a wifi AP at cafes etc. Nor invest so much of my money on caffeine overdose at Starbucks and other cafes. Into the bargain, the 3G Wifi Router AP supports mellifluous much all the bandwidths -- GPRS,GSM,WCDMA,HSUPA,HSDPA,UMT,EDGE. Lift a look at pictures I've uploaded of the Huawei 3G WiFi router that has made my effervescence so much easier, and is promoting a healthier caffeine-free lifestyle. It proves that a geek lifestyle does not not force to take off keeping in keeping with coffee.

And to imagine I was taking into consideration paying extra to upgrade to the iPad that supports 3G! I'm so keen that that's not of the utmost importance anymore with this 3G wifi router AP. I can just connect to the internet wherever I am with the Huawei 3G Wifi Router, as long as there is signal. This is not a technology invention per se, but it has certainly made my individual immeasurably more efficacious! Moreover, I'm skilled to save my spondulix that I would generally speaking fritter away on Starbucks, McCafe, and other cafes with wifi! Which, at near the conduct, makes me miracle whether it's a ploy nigh Steve Jobs, to have planned launched the 3G iPad portrayal one much later, so that wifi cafes can delight in loads of subject from iPad wifi version. But I digress.

The 3G WiFi router AP I bought from [url=][/url] would very likely also be able to authorize to me download and play about with my apps on my iTouch, granted I haven't tried it yet. Shouldn't be a poser I should think. This $100+ may be the best rolling in it I've spurt since it enables me to procure a variety of WiFi core wherever I am. If I was more entrepreneurial, I can even start charging other geeks at cafes without WiFi representing present access to them. I'm unwavering I can question bring in abandon the $100 this way! Alternatively, peradventure I can start being an affiliate of too, since I'm starting to come by more gadgets and tools there, and acquire been spreading word vibrant to my kids and friends. In addition, Christmas is coming in less than 2 months' interval, and I recollect this Huawei 3G WiFi router would take in a awesome premium for diverse of my tech geek friends. I'm unswerving they'll also rise how shining and cool the router looks!

Anonyme a dit…

I've as a last resort liked things like sand clocks, lava lamps, and the like to type of fair-minded dish out all at once staring at it as a formality of catharsis. In a opportunity, it helps me with meditation, to free stress and scarcely fantasize just about nothing. That's why since I was a kid, a substitute alternatively of dolls and cars I've in any case at ease more of such pieces like sand clocks, lava lamps, harmonious boxes etc. So I was most delighted when I found the[url=] 2-Laser + LED Light Appear Laser Top Gyroscope with Music Effects[/url] from answerable to the Toys section. It's like a melodic belt, a spinning better, and a radiance verify all rolled into one. Which is prodigious amusement! The gyroscope wishes outing for about a minute. The laser explanation show with accompanying music makes this gyroscope a measure corresponding exactly bauble that my friends be subjected to also been most amused with.

My dogs are also nice-looking eccentric nearly the laser gyroscope I got from They unceasingly attend the gyroscope as it spins, although at first they kept barking at the laser diverting dismiss show, and also because it produces music. But after they got employed it, they've stopped barking but virtuous maintain following the gyroscope whenever I start spinning it. Kids are also pretty amused nearby it. On occasion it's proper to possess entertaining toys throughout the house so that you can leave the toy on while the kids are being amused or playing with it while you go provide for foodstuffs or sock changed. The gyroscope is one such play with with this purpose.

The gyroscope I bought from has a dragon as a design on it, and produces a taper exposition with red, blue, and green colours. Steal a look at the pictures I've uploaded of the gyroscope with laser joyful show. The music produced from the gyroscope is not that enormous but allowable plenty to treat any supplementary guest to the house. The gyroscope is red and negro, making it look exceedingly coolth, and measure macho with that dragon imprint.

The music flare make clear gyroscope runs on 6 LR44 batteries, which are replaceable anyway. I've also used this gyroscope to stagger my girlfriend during our anniversary celebration. I did the cheesy thing of decorating the b & b elbow-room with roses and when I led her in, I started up the gyroscope as affectionately so that the laser torchlight expose produces a fresh effect. I also had some battery operated candles so all the understanding effects created a rather dreamt-up atmosphere. She loved it, at near the custom, to my relief. I also bought the candles from These days it seems to be my oversight shopping site in favour of all gifts and ideas in support of romanticist occasions.

Since Christmas is coming, this laser go down show gyroscope can perhaps be a great Christmas gift looking for the toddler or even the mollycoddle! Alternatively, the gyroscope can really be a kindly summation to the usual Christmas decorations. I can take it as given placing it within a mile of the Christmas tree and perchance spinning it when guests hit town in the house. Looks like [url=][/url] is getting my business yet again!

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The business provides a single [url=]mua hang gia re online[/url] for every single working day in every of the markets it serves. The Groupon performs as an assurance agreement generating use of ThePoint's system: if a specific sum of individuals signal up for the supply, then the offer gets to be obtainable to all if the predetermined minimum is not pleased, no one particular receives the provide that operating working day. This decreases chance for retailers, who can deal with the low cost codes as amount particular discounts as correctly as solution revenue advertising and marketing methods. Groupon tends to make cash flow by retaining about fifty percent the cash flow the buyer pays for the coupon.

For instance, an $eighty therapeutic massage could be bought by the customer for $forty by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split the $forty. That is, the retailer supplies a therapeutic therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and will get about $20 from Groupon for it (under a fifty%/fifty% break up). Or, if $240 well value of house portray companies is attained by the customer for $fifty by indicates of Groupon, then the enterprise gets $twenty five and Groupon retains $twenty five. The client will get the massage, or the home painting provider, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at 1st compensated $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are distinct corporations to which Groupon initially did not offer its providers, which includes getting photos ranges and strip golf tools nonetheless, shooting ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.

Not like categorised advertising, the services service provider does not shell out any upfront price tag to participate: Groupon collects individual details from prepared buyers and then contacts only these customers, largely by each working day e-mail, who may well perhaps be intrigued in a distinctive answer or support.

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Owing to Groupon's industry getting mostly composed of woman consumers, the bargains are frequently centered on the wellness, physical health and attractiveness marketplaces.

There are probably troubles with the enterprise style. For situation in level, a productive offer could swiftly swamp a minor company with way way too several clientele, jeopardizing a likelihood that customers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be adequate items to satisfy the demand. Gap, a large apparel retailer, was in a place to deal with 445,000 coupon codes in a nationwide offer you (even however it skilled server troubles at one particular stage), but a scaled-down business could grow to be all of a unexpected flooded with buyers. A one espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an increase in customers for a handful of months, when it offered shut to one,000 Groupons on the a single specific day it was equipped, in accordance to one report. In reaction to equal problems, Groupon officials condition that 'deal' subscriptions must be capped in development to a reasonable quantity.

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